About Us

Established in 2014, 4P-Pharma is a clinical stage biotech company dedicated to addressing serious diseases with significant unmet medical needs. Our goal is to bring first-in-class therapies to patients swiftly.

Our core is a specialized R&D engine that enhances risk management and accelerates the development process, effectively cutting down on time, costs, and uncertainty.​

We focus on developing assets combining rapid time to market and solid intellectual property. Our strategy leverages cutting-edge clinical trial designs and expedite regulatory pathways to bring our therapies to those in need as quickly as possible.

Our Business Model Transforming science into drug success stories.

Innovative Partnerships and In-House Expertise Driving Patient-Centered Drug Development​, ranging from sourcing our therapeutic candidates to SPV incorporation.

Sourcing our therapeutic candidates

  • Open innovation model: Engaging with worldwide leading academic institutions and AI tech organisations to source innovative assets.
  • Internal Capabilities: leveraging on our in-house CRO expertise for meticulous screening and comprehensive preclinical development.


Patient-centric approach

  • Needs Prioritization: Placing patient needs at the forefront of our development process to ensure relevant and impactful therapies.
  • Insight Integration: Cultivating patient engagement to inform therapy development with real-world insights and challenges.


SPV incorporation

  • Tailored Advancement: Forming Single Product Vehicles (SPVs) to focus on accelerating clinical proof of concept and beyond.
  • Market access: Securing global patient reach through strategic alliances, delineated by geography and therapeutic specialization.


Our Approach Paradigm shift in drug development

Placing patient needs at the forefront of our development process to ensure relevant and impactful therapies.
Teaming up with world-class KOL to leverage on the most advanced translational knowledge of selected physiopathology.
Linking novel therapeutic targets to disease’s biology.
Associating patients journey and drug MoA in silico to accelerate clinical demonstration and prediction of patient long term benefit.
Empowering clinical demonstration through patient centric holistic approach encompassing multiple composite endpoints.
Accelerating market reach through expedite regulatory pathways and strategic alliances by territory and therapeutic area.​

4P-Pharma’s in key figures

Company growth and innovation:​

  • ≥ 500 candidates screening
  • ≥ 30 preclinical proof of concept
  • ≥ 25 Open Innovation PARTNERSHIPS
  • 3 asssets selected for first-in-human

Financial sustainability and investment:​

  • 10 years of operations
  • 20m€+ funding

Operational footprint and team:

  • 25+ people
  • 2 sites : Paris, Lille

Recognition and achievements:​​

  • 2 SPVs incorporated : 4Moving Biotech, 4Living Biotech
  • Multiple awards:
    – Bpifrance excellence
    – EU seal of excellence
    – Prix Galien USA nomination

Our companies


  • Therapeutic areas
  • Candidate
  • Discovery
  • Preclinical
  • Phase I
  • Phase II
Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases



Phase II

4P004 is a GLP-1 analog, a potential first-in-class disease modifier drug for osteoarthritis (DMOAD), showing anti-inflammatory, anti-catabolic and anabolic properties.4P004 was developed in collaboration with the team of Prof. Francis Berenbaum (St-Antoine’s hospital in Paris, APHP and Sorbonne University) and SATT Lutech. Today, 4P004 is owned by 4P-Pharma’s SPV – 4Moving Biotech.

We are now entering Phase II of our study

≥ 595 Millions of people have OA in the world (Kloppenburg et al., 2020). Estimated sales per year: 3-4 Milliards/year (GlobalData: https://www.globaldata.com/osteoarthritis-7mm-market-set-to-be-worth-3-5-billion-by-2026/)



Drug discovery

With our partner, Oncocross, a Korea based AI tech company, we are developing an AI platform-based treatment for systemic sclerosis.

Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare autoimmune disease with an estimated prevalence of 242 to 660 cases per million adults, varying geographically, and is more common in women with a 5:1 female-to-male ratio. It’s characterized by extensive tissue fibrosis and vascular abnormalities, affecting not only the skin but also internal organs, distinguishing it from localized scleroderma. The disease primarily manifests in two forms: Limited cutaneous SSc and Diffuse cutaneous SSc, each with different levels of severity and organ involvement (for review Adigun et al., 2022)


Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)

Drug discovery

In partnership with Delta4, an AI tech company based in Vienna (Austria), we join forces to discover and develop a drug candidate from Delta4’s platform, for the treatment of PSC.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare liver condition, characterized by inflammation and scarring of the bile ducts leading to liver failure, and it predominantly affects individuals between 30 and 40 years old, more commonly in men. It has a low incidence and prevalence rate, ranging from 0 to 1.3 cases per 100,000 people per year, with a median survival of about 10 years without liver transplantation. The disease is more prevalent in North America and Northern Europe compared to Asia, and there is a notably higher risk among siblings of affected individuals, particularly in nonsmokers ( for review: Rawla and Samant, 2023)

Our pipeline

Our team, the cornerstone of our success!

“Our people are the heart and soul of 4P-Pharma, driving our unwavering commitment to making a difference. Over the years, we’ve seen incredible growth, but one thing remains constant: our team’s passion and diversity. We bring together experts in science, clinical research, pharmaceuticals, finance, and business, all sharing a common driver that ignited 4P-Pharma’s inception.”

Revital Rattenbach – 4P-Pharma Founder

Revital Rattenbach Founder and CEO
Jérôme Vailland Chief Financial Officer
Luc Boblet CEO of 4Moving Biotech
Francis Berenbaum Medical Advisor and CMO of 4Moving Biotech
Céline Martin Head of Preclinical R&D operations
Roselina Lam Business Development and Licensing-in Manager
Emmanuelle Trombe Independent board member
Jerome Labrousse Independent board member
Jean-Pierre Lehner Chairman of the Board
Michael Sellam Representant of IRIS finance International
Jerome Rehlinger Representative of M comme Mutuelle
Marina Vasiliou Independant Board Member
Christian Bechon Independant Board Member
Alain Sainsot Independant Board Member


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